Love Your Mother…

I swear when I look at the beauty of God's creation I feel like I want to cry……

My mother to me is dear…

Why is it that they would without a second thought give their lives for ours?

Why is it that they carry us in their arms or push us in our pram even if their limbs hurt but they would never think of blaming us for the pain.

Where does my pain start and the concern of my mother end?

Why is it that the bond is so dear that only a mother can understand?

Why is it they would look from the window and not sleep until they knew we were safe?

Why is it they would never eat until they knew we were done?

Why is it that the jewel in our lives we take for granted?

Why is it they remember so much about us but we remember them so little?

We caused you much pain oh Mother!

Many times we hang our heads in shame as we remember our wrongs.

We remember that when our father punished us it was your hands that stopped him.

It was your hands that brought us Food.

It was in your lap that we rest our heads and cried and we had no shame.

We cling to the hope that the tears will be forgotten in the life yet to come where we will swim in the mercy of our Rabb and you will light up Jannah with your smile.

Does the enemy of Allah can torture us?

The pain is the look in our mothers face when we know we leave them for the last time..

The pain is knowing that our ears will never hear that voice again asking us if we are well.

Kill us , Imprison us , do as you wish but these hearts remember seeing tears fall from the beautiful eyes of our mothers.

You told us oh mother of mine that you have five fingers and that no matter which finger gets cut off it will hurt the same,

We say to you that we only had one heart and we did not know that the moment you held us that it would belong to you forever.

People came and went but you were always there.

We are the fruits of your Duas and yours is the dua that Allah (SWT) will never refuse.

May Allah (SWT) admit our mothers into Jannah for fulfilling their duties upon the sons and daughters of this Ummah.

May Allah (SWT) show them more mercy then they showed us when we were small.


By Haseeb

Tips to Wake up for Fajr

1) Go to sleep with wudu. Perform two rakahs salah and ask Allah for Hidayah and Guidance.

2) Recite at least 10 ayah of the Holy Quran, because Rasulullah said to recite at least 10 ayah of the Quran so you don't get counted amongst the neglectful and be in the state of "ghaflah" (neglect).

3) Catch the Jamat in the Masjid. Invite others to also catch it. Rasulullah says,

"Whoever performs Salatul Isha with Jamat and performs Salatul Fajr with Jamat will get the ajar and thawab (reward) for doing worship all night."

3) Make sincere dua to Allah (ta'ala) to give you the ability to wake up. Make big intentions. Not just "oh Allah please give me the ability to wake up for Fajr." Instead make intention for Tahajjud and/or catching Takbirullah in the Masjid.

4) Do the Tasbeeh of Fatimah before going to sleep. Subhanallah 33x, Alhamdulillah 33x & Allahu Akbar 33x. It comes in the narration that by doing this tiredness will be removed after waking up.

5) Go to sleep early without wasting time and indulging in frivolous activities. It is best to go to sleep immediately after Isha. Best way to feel tired and push one self to go to sleep early is when you do wake up for Fajr, stay up and not go to sleep afterwards. By doing this you will notice that by the time you hit nightfall you will feel tired and automatically fall asleep.

6) Avoid using the Shaytaan button (the snooze button). The only thing this does is make you miss the time of Fajr.

7) Keep the alarm clock away from easy reach. By doing this, you will have to get out of bed.

8) Don't eat late. Try to eat at least 2 hours before going to sleep. If you eat and go straight to sleep, you will feel tired when waking up.

9) Create a cycle of calling and ringing one another. By this if someone does wake up and perform salatul Fajr, we will get the ajar and Saawab (reward), subhanallah!!!

10) A really effective "wakerupper" is doing some quick pushups and sittups. This gets the body immediately rejuvenated.

11) Ask someone to come and wake you up. For example: wife, mother, daughter, husband, etc.

12) As soon as you wake up, rub your face with your hands. By doing this, sleep will ward off. It is Sunnah to do this and recite verses 190 - 194 from Surah Al-Imraan.

13) Fight the nafs and get up. Nafs will say "few more minutes." Those few more minutes will lead you to miss Salah completely.

14) If the above tips are not working, make your bed less comfortable at least for few days.
Importance Of Beard
The society we live in today has had a great impact not only on Muslims but on many other religious people too. This is to such an extent that people are often ready to criticise an injunction of their faith merely because it does not comply with ways, fads or modes of today’s society.

Is this what we call faith?

All religious scholars are unanimous that that all Prophets kept beards. Furthermore, the Prophets have classified the beard as something (that is) part of nature (Fitrah). ‘Allamah Suyuti explains human nature is based on keeping a beard and does not need a special order to be part of a particular faith. Thus, the beard is part of human nature to which all humans (men) have to adhere.

The Prophet of Allah mentions in a Hadeeth 10 points of nature. Out of these ten, he mentions is the lengthening of the beard. Allah the Almighty narrates the incident when Sayyiduna Harun Alaihissalam calls out to his brother Sayyiduna Musa ,

“O son of my mother! Do not seize (me) by my beard, and nor by my head.” (94:20)

This verse clearly shows that Prophet Harun had a lengthy beard.

The first nation ever to shave their beards was the nation to whom Allah the Almighty sent Sayyiduna Lut , the people of Sadoom ( Sodom).

Hadhrat Hasan Basri reports a Hadeeth that the nation of Lut was punished for 10 sins they committed; the Prophet mentioned ‘trimming the beard’ from the 10 sins.
These sins then resulted in severe punishments from Allah the Almighty as mentioned in the Holy Quran in numerous chapters.

Gradually other nations also started to trim and shave their beards but were less in number. However in the 17th century, the King of Russia, Patrice propagated ‘shaving of the beard’ in Europe and was successful in his mission.

In the 20th century, the Ottoman Empire collapsed and western influences swamped nations. By the mid 20th century, these influences had penetrated the Muslim world, which has gradually resulted on corrupting Muslims.

Today, this is the reason why we see that most
Muslims unfortunately either trim their beard or shave it off.

We have to remember that cultures change day in day out, cultures are man made; hung on man’s ideologies, perceptions and ideas.

On the other hand, the Shariah, the Islamic holy divine law is from Allah the creator of all, who is the best of all planners. The Shariah is such that it is compatible to every era till the day of judgement.

In the Shariah (Islamic law), it is Haram (unlawful) for men to shave the beard, this ruling is with the Ijma (consensus) of the scholars of all the Schools of Thought.

Among the scholars who have attested to this consensus, include
Allamah Mahmood Khattab 6, Allamah Anwar Shah Kashmiri Hanafi, Allamah Muhammad Ashraf Ali Thanwi, Allamah Hasfaki, Allamah Kamal Ibn Al-Humam Hanafi, Sheikh Ahmad Nafrawi Maliki, Allamah Abu Muhammad Ibn Hazm Zahiri, Allaamah Shaykh ul islaam Ibn Tayimyyah, and many other scholars.

Various present day scholars have misunderstood from what some Shafiee scholars have stated that to shave the beard is Makrooh (disliked). This has been mentioned by Imam Nawawi, Rafi’ee. Allamah Abbadi states, Allamah Ibn Rif’aah refutes this, as Imam Shafiee has mentioned in his famous work Kitab Al-umm, which is thought to be one of his final works: “to shave the beard is Haram.”

This has also been mentioned by Allamah Haleemi, Allamah Qaffal Shashi, Allamah Azrai and many other Shafiee scholars.

There are many Ahadeeth, which clearly state the above. Primarily the famous Hadeeth narrated on the authority of ‘Abdullah Ibn ‘Umar and others that
"The Prophet ordered us to lengthen our beards."

This Hadeeth has been narrated with six different words, all of which refer to lengthening the beard and leaving it alone without interfering.

This is why in the Shariah (Islamic law) if one was to shave the beard or trim it to less than a fist length then he will be sinful.

Allamah Anwar Shah Kashmiri writes,
“None of the scholars have permitted trimming the beard to less than a fist length.”

Various other scholars such as Allamah Hasfaki, Allamah Ashraf Ali Thanwi and Mufti Rasheed Ahmad have mentioned similar to this.

The Prophet ’s (PBUH) beard was dense, and would cover his chest. The Sahaba realised, by the movement of he ’s beard, that the prophet would recite from the Holy Quran in Zuhr and Asr; clearly indicating that the beard was lengthy.

In the same manner Hadhrat Abu bakr and Umar possessed a dense beard. Hadhrat Uthman possessed a fine beard stretched out in length where as Hadhrat Ali’s beard was spread in width covering the area between his shoulders.

Therefore, when the Prophet ordered us to legthen our beards we have to follow his and his Sahaba’s Sunnah and their method of keeping a beard.

The Prophet says,
“Hold fast unto my ways and the ways of the guided caliphs after me.”

Hadhrat Molana Hussein Ahmad Madni writes,
“It is clearly narrated from Hadhrat Umar , Ammar Ibn Yasir , Abdullah Ibn Umar and Jabir that their beards were more than a fist length, and they would order the Muslims to do the same.”

Hadhrat Sheikh Moulana Muhammad Zakaria writes,
“It has not been narrated from any of the Sahabah that they trimmed their beards to less than a fist”.

When Abdullah Ibn Umar would perform Hajj or Umrah, he would hold on to his beard with his fist and trim the remaining.

In reality, we have explicitly been ordered to increase and lengthen our beards without any interference whatsoever, but as Abdullah Ibn Umar and other Sahaba would often trim their beards up to a fist length, the scholars have given permission to do this.

In the eighth year of Hijri, the Prophet sent a letter with Hadhrat Abdullah Ibn Huthafah to Feroz, the king of Persia. Feroz tore the letter apart and ordered Bazan, the king of Yemen to send two officers to the Prophet to kidnap him. They arrived in Madinah Munawwarah, on seeing the Prophet , started to shiver.

However the Prophet asked them,
“Who ordered you to leave your moustache and shave your beard?”

They replied, “Our Lord” (referring to their King).

The Prophet declared,
“But my Lord orders me to trim the moustache and lengthen the beard”.

Those who shave their beards should decide for themselves whether their Lord is Allah or someone else!

Just imagine how much pain the Prophet must be going through due to all of those people who shave, as these two men were fire worshippers, but never the less, the Prophet could not bear to look at their faces.

Some people have a misconception that lengthening the beard is unattractive. This view is seriously flawed as the Prophets especially Sayyiduna Muhammad possessed great beauty as Allah the almighty chooses those who are perfect in character and creation. It is reported in a narration,
“Allah the Almighty sent each and every Prophet with a beautiful face and a melodious voice.”

Many Sahaba relate that the Prophet possessed the most beautiful face.

Allah the most wise has distinguished between men and women just as he has distinguished between the male and female animals; and the distinguishing feature in itself holds great beauty. Allah the almighty mentions some of his bounties he has bestowed upon Mankind, Allah says

“He (Allah) fashioned you and perfected your shapes.” (64:40)

Allamah IbnAl-Qayyim explains,
“The beard has many benefits, such as beauty and dignity.”

In many Ahadeeth, the prophet has cursed men who imitate women and those women who imitate men. There is no doubt that shaving the beard is a clear imitation of a woman’s face.

Many scholars have stated that shaving the beard is Tagyeeru Khalqillah (changing the creation of Allah).

Allah mentions in the Holy Quran the promise of Satan,
“Indeed I will order them (Mankind) to change the nature created by Allah” (4:119).

In effect, the one who shaves his beard is obeying Satan. The great Caliph Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz would say,
“Shaving the beard is Muthlah (mutilation). Verily the Prophet has prohibited Muthlah”.

A similar verdict has also been narrated from the great Imam of Madina Munawwarah, Imam Malik.
The sin of shaving the beard is not only a Kabirah (Major) sin, but it is also Bagawah (open offence).

The prophet says,
“My nation will be forgiven except those who sin in the night and then boast about their sin the following day.”

Although one may not boast about this sin verbally but indirectly, he will boast by showing his face to the people. Some sins are limited to the time of the act or omission, for example, Zina (adultery & fornication) is a grave sin; the sinner is sinning for the duration of that act. Whereas this sin’s time remains for as long as the beard remains shaven or trimmed to less than a fist’s length.

The person will be regarded a sinner for every second his face is devoid of a proper beard, therefore sinning for that entire time span. this means it's severity aggregates and persists more than other sins.

In the aftermath of the Tsunami disaster, many Muslims attained the status of Shahadah (Martyrdom). Due to the excess amount of bodies it was difficult to identify each individual. Regarding Salat Ul-Janazah the problem arose that how will we be able to differentiate between a Muslim and non-Muslim?

Finally, it was decided that the prayer would be lead upon those deceased who possessed beards. People in the world have hopes that people will benefit them after their death, by performing Salat Al-Janazah and carrying out other deeds. However, in a situation like this, would this be possible?

Similarly in the grave when the deceased is asked, one of the questions is,

“What would you say about this person? (Referring to the Prophet )

Some scholars are to the opinion that the Prophet will be present in front of the deceased! How do you think the Prophet will react when he sees a person who has shaved his beard?

Furthermore, on the day of judgement when the Prophet will intercede for the Ummah and quench the thirst of the Ummah at the Hawdh of Kauthar, the angels will stop some of the people.

The Prophet will say that these people are from my Ummah (nation); thus let them proceed.

The angels will reply,

“You do not know what innovations they invented after you”.

The Prophet will reply

“Destruction for those who innovated after me”.

A point to ponder upon is that the Prophet will not recognise these innovators because they will possess beards and their outer Islamic appearance, so what about those who do not possess beards.

The Prophet will not need to be informed that these were innovators, as he mentions in another Hadeeth that the deceased will be resurrected in the condition he died in.

The Prophet will not even look at these people just as this would hurt the Prophet . The Prophet says,

“Whoever so hurts me, displeases Allah. And who ever displeases Allah, is likely to be punished.”

People claim to love the Prophet but still do not keep a beard.

What kind of love is this?

There was once a poet in the city of Delhi , Mirza Qateel, famous for praising the Prophet . An Iranian citizen decided to visit this poet assuming that he was a great pious scholar. On arriving in Delhi, he was informed that this poet has gone to the barbers. He proceeds towards the barbers and what does he see? The poet is having his beard shaved.

He cries out “’O’ the one who claims to love the Prophet , you are shaving your beard!”

The poet replies
“yes, but I am not hurting anyone’s feelings”, they continued their debate.

Finally, the Iranian exclaimed,
“you claim that you are not hurting anyone’s feelings, I warn you that you are hurting the feelings of the one who is the leader in this world and the hereafter, the Prophet ”.

On hearing this remark, he fainted, when he regained consciousness he accepted and admitted his mistake, repented to Allah, The most forgiving and thanked the Iranian for guiding him.

In reality when a person loves someone, he will fulfil every command of his. We cannot see the love a person possesses in his heart for someone except by his actions. We have been guided to judge people according to their apparent and visible actions.

The Prophet has repeatedly said,

“I have not been ordered to cut open the hearts of people.” (to see their intention)

When a disbeliever recites the Shahadah, he will be classified as a Muslim, despite of what his beliefs are in reality.

Thus if a person shaves his beard it cannot be judged that he loves the Prophet . Nowadays we see the love people possess for celebrities and football players, which is evident; people are ready to dress the way they dress, live the way they live; emulating them in every way possible, so why is it that people are not ready to accept the Sunnah of the Prophet ?

Unfortunately, many Muslims nowadays mock and joke about the beard. If someone has a beard, he is labelled a ‘beast’. To make a mockery of any minor order of the Shariah is KUFR without any doubt; the same applies to undermining a sin. The great Muhaddith Allamah Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Ibn Siddiq Al-Gimari says,
“To mock the beard is KUFR with the consensus of all the Muslims”.

May Allah Accept us all and give us the tawfeeq to practice Islam completely.


By. Haseeb
Importance Of Miswak

What is Miswaak?

MISWAAK - twigs of certain trees that are used on a regular basis by Muslims for centuries (and all Prophets Peace upon Them) to maintain oral hygiene and gain the pleasure of Allah SWT. It is a "natural toothbrush."

Not only does it provide spiritual benefits, but it is also beneficial to the everyday maintenance of one's mouth, gums, and teeth.

Rasulullah laid great stress on the use of the Miswaak (a tree-twig used for cleansing the teeth). One of the Sunnats of Wudhu is to use a Miswaak. Wherever a Miswaak is available and is not used, the full beauty and complete Sawaab of the Wudhu is not realised. There are numerous benefits and advantages in using a Miswaak.
The Miswaak, a tree-twig, was in use for brushing and cleansing the teeth long before the advent of our Holy Nabi. In fact the records of our Nabi Muhummad's Ahadith indicate that the Miswaak was the "Sunnah" or practice of all the Ambiyaa (Prophets of Allah)—Peace be upon them.

"Abu Ayyub narrates that Rasulullah said:

'Four things are amongst the practices of the Ambiyaa —circumcision, application of perfume, Miswaak and marriage'."

Several other Ahadith of our Nabi also mention the Miswaak to have been the practice of the Prophets (Upon Whom Be Peace). Thus, we can safely claim that the practice of using the Miswaak is as old as mankind itself since Mankind's origin on the planet was with the appearance of the first Nabi of Allah, viz. Adam.

Therefore, among the many advantages and benefits of using the Miswaak, one of the greatest benefits is the good-fortune of being associated with the Ambiyaa in this holy practice. On the other hand, those who neglect the use of the Miswaak invite upon themselves a great misfortune by being deprived of the tremendous amount of Sawaab (Reward) which this noble practice carries.

Allamah Ibn Ismail says:

"It surprises me how people could forgo such a great Sunnah, the significance of which many Ahadith of our Nabi explain. Remember that it is a great loss to neglect the Miswaak."


Islam has accorded an elevated status to the Miswaak. Its importance has been stressed in many Ahadith of our Holy Nabi The statements and examples of the Sahaba and the Ulama of Islam regarding this practice bear testimony in abundance of the significance of the Miswaak.

Ibn Umar narrates that the Messenger of Allah said:
'Make a regular practice of the Miswaak, for verily, it is healthy for the mouth and it is a Pleasure for the Creator (i.e. Allah is pleased with the Muslim who uses the Miswaak)'."

It is clear from this Hadith that two types of benefits accrue from the use of the Miswaak. These could be categorised as follows:

(1) UKHRAWI or Benefits which relate to the Hereafter;

(2) DUNYAWI or Benefits which relate to this worldly life.

The Ukhrawi category comprises the various Sawaabs (Rewards) which the Servant of Allah will obtain in the Hereafter for using the Miswaak. The Dunyawi category comprises the immediate benefits or advantages accruing to the physical human body by the constant use of the Miswaak.

The prime motive of the true Believer in his use of the Miswaak is his desire to obtain the first category of Benefits, i.e. Ukhrawi, the obtainal of the second category being a necessary corollary. This is so, since the only factor which governs the motive and intention of the Believer in his Ibaadat (Worship) is the Pleasure of Allah, our Creator, Nourisher and Sustainer.

Hadhrat Ali, the fourth Khalif of Islam said:
"Make the Miswaak (i.e. its use) incumbent upon you, and be constant in this practice because Allah's Pleasure is in it and it increases the Reward of Salat from ninety-nine times to four hundred times."

In fact, the importance of the Miswaak is such that at one stage our Nabi was under the impression that Allah Ta'aala might decree the use of the Miswaak Fardh (compulsory) upon the Ummah (Islamic Nation).

Abu Umamah narrates that the Messenger of Allah said:
'Use the Miswaak, for verily, it purifies the mouth, and it is a Pleasure for the Lord. Jib-ra-eel exhorted me so much to use the Miswaak that I feared that its use would be decreed obligatory upon me and upon my Ummah. If I did not fear imposing hardship on my Ummah I would have made its use obligatory upon my people. Verily, I use the Miswaak so much that I fear the front part of my mouth being peeled (by constant and abundant brushing with the Miswaak)'." (IBN MAJAH)

"Abu Hurairahnarrates that Rasulullah said: 'Was it not for my fear of imposing a difficulty on my Ummah I would have ordered that the Miswaak be used for every Salaat'."


Hadhrat Shah Waliullah (R) relates the following

"The Messenger of Allah said:
'I was commanded to use the Miswaak to such an extent that I thought the Miswaak would be made obligatory'."

Ibn Abbas narrates the following Hadith:

"The Messenger of Allah said:
'I was commanded so much to use the Miswaak that I thought Wahi of the Qurtaan (Revelation) would be revealed, regarding it (i.e. its use)'."

Although the use of the Miswaak was not made Fardh (compulsory) upon the Ummah, nevertheless its use was Fardh upon our Nabi. This is borne out by the following Hadith:

"Aisha narrates that Rasulullah : said:

'These (practices), viz., Miswaak, Witr Salaat and Tahajjud Salaat, are Sunnat for you and Fardh for me'."

Hadhrat Abu Hurairah narrates:

"The Messenger of Allah would use the Miswaak (regularly) prior to sleeping and after rising from sleep."

Imam Ghazali (R), in his Ihya-ul-Uloom, has enum,erated ten Aadaab (Respects or duties) of sleep. The very first of these being purity and the use of the Miswaak (before sleeping).

Allamah Sha'rani (R) states in the Kitaab, Kashful Ghummah, that Rasulullah : advised:

"Whenever you retire for sleep, use the Miswaak."

Shaikh Abu Hamid (R) has said likewise in his Kitaab known as RAUNAQ.
Hadhrat Ibn Umar says that many a time Rasulullah used the Miswaak as much as four times in a single night.

Hadhrat Aishah narrates:

"Verily, the Messenger of Allah would use the Miswaak before making Wudhu (ablutions) whenever he arose from sleep, whether it be during the night or during the day."

Similar Ahadith have been narrated by Imam Ahmad (R) and Abu Yatlaa (R). Imam Ghazali (R] has mentioned in his Ihya-ul-Uloom that;

"A person before sleeping at night should keep his water and Miswaak ready and close at hand. As soon as he wakes from sleep during the night he should immediately use the water and the Miswaak, and engage in the remembrance of Allah."

Hadhrat Ibn Abbasstates:
"The Messenger of Allah : would use the Miswaak at night time (i.e. Tahajjud time) after every two Rakaats Salaat he performed."

Allamah Aini (R) has recorded the following in Bunayah

"It is Mustahab to use the Miswaak after every two Rakaats of Tahajjud Salaat (i.e. the Salaat which is performed after midnight), as well as on Fridays, before sleeping, after Witr Salaat and when rising in the morning."

Quick view of benefits


1. Miswaak strengthens the gums and prevents tooth decay.
2. Miswaak assists in eliminating toothaches and prevents further increase of decay which has already set in.

3. Miswaak creates a fragrance in the mouth.

4. Miswaak is a cure for illness.

5. Miswaak eliminates bad odors and improves the sense of taste.

6. Miswaak sharpens the memory.

7. Miswaak is a cure for headaches.

8. Miswaak creates lustre (noor) on the face of the one who continually uses it.

9. Miswaak causes the teeth to glow.

10. Miswaak strengthens the eyesight.

11. Miswaak assists in digestion.

12. Miswaak clears the voice.

13. The greatest benefit of using miswaak is gaining the pleasure of Allah.

14. The reward of Salaah (Prayers) is multiplied 70 times if Miswaak was used before it.


1. For the recitation of the Qur'an.

2. For the recitation of Hadith.

3. When the mouth emits and odor.

4. For the learning or teaching of virtues of Islaam.

5. For making Dhikrullah (Remebrance of Allah, meditation).

6. After entering ones home.

7. Before entering any good gathering.

8. When experiencing pangs of hunger and thirst.

9. After the signs of death are evident.

10. At the time of Sehri.

11. Before meals.

12. Before undertaking a journey.

13. On returning from a journey.

14. Before sleeping.

15. Upon awakening.


A Miswaak should not be longer than a "span" i.e. the maximum distance between the tips of the thumb and little finger, and it should not be thicker than a finger's breadth.


A Miswaak should be held in such a manner that the small finger and thumb is below the miswaak and the remaining fingers on its upper side.


"Shuraih narrates that he asked Aisha:

'What was the first thing Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) did upon entering the house?'

Aisha replied:

'Rasulullah would use the Miswaak'."


"Whenever Rasulullah left the house he would use the Miswaak."


"Abu Hurairah said:
"I have used the Miswaak before sleeping, after rising, before eating and after eating, ever since I heard the Nabi advising so'."


"Hadhrat Ali said:

'Verily, your mouths are the pathways of the Qur'aan (i.e. you recite with your mouth), therefore cleanse your mouth with the Miswaak thoroughly'."

"The use of the Miswaak has greater emphasis when one intends to perform Salaat, Wudhu and reciting the Qur'aan."


"Ibn Sabaaq narrates that Rasulullah said on one Friday:

'O Gathering of Muslims, Allah has made this Day (Friday) a Day of Eid for Muslims, therefore, bathe (on this day), use perfume and regard the use of the Miswaak (on this day) as an obligation upon you'."

'Suhail Bin Hanief states that Rasulullah said that to bathe and use the Miswaak on Fridays are of the Hugooq (Rights or Duties) of Friday."


"Aamir Bin Rabiyah narrates:

'I have seen Rasulullah using the Miswaak many a time while fasting'."

In another Hadith our Nabi said that one of the best characteristics of a fasting person is his use of the Miswaak.

The majority of the Ulama have opined that it is Sunnat to use the Miswaak while fasting. It is recorded in Fataawa Siraajiah that a fasting person may use a dry or a moist (i.e. fresh, green) Miswaak.

It is recorded in many Ahadith that the Messenger of Allah and his Sahaba were in the habit of having their Miswaaks on their persons while on a journey or during battles.

In the Kitaab, Kashful Ghummah it is mentioned that during battle the Companions of Rasulullah would store their Miswaaks in the scabbards of their swords for use at the time of Salaat.

Allamah Sha'rani (R) states in Kashful Ghummah that the Messenger of Allah said:

"Whoever spurns or rejects the Miswaak is not of us (Muslims)."

Hadhrat Ibn Mubarak (R) said:

"If the inhabitants of a city spurn and reject the use of the Miswaak, the Ruler should wage battle against them like he would wage war against the renegades or murtad-deen."

All the aforegoing Ahadith of our Nabi and the statements of the learned jurists of Islam point clearly to the tremendous importance of the Miswaak in Islam.

However, despite its elevated status, significance and importance, this noble practice is neglected and generally discarded by present day Muslims.

Needless to say, this is one of the examples of the spiritual and worldly decadence that have set into the Muslim Nation.

The revival of the practice of using the Miswaak instead of the various substitutes is of utmost importance to Muslims.

In times such as the present age when we are confronted and surrounded by the satanic forces of irreligiosity, materialism, atheism, vice and immorality, it is of greater importance that Muslims strive most ardently to re-instate the practices or the Sunnah of our beloved Nabi it;. And, of these is the Miswaak. Substitutes, e.g. toothpowders, brushes, etc., should only be resorted to in the event of the non-availability of the Miswaak.

To revive a "lost" or a forgotten Sunnah of our Nabi it:—a Sunnah which the followers of Islam have murdered—carries a great and mighty Thawaab (Reward). In this regard our Nabi said:

"He who holds on firmly to my Sunnah at a time when my Ummah are (grovelling) in corruption will receive a reward of a hundred martyrs."


The Sahabaswho were the best and the noblest examples and teachers of the Sunnah of our Nabi viewed the Miswaak in a very serious light and regarded it as a practice of supreme holiness. Their constant use of the Miswaak, their continuous exhortations to use the Miswaak and their warnings to those who neglect the Miswaak are ample evidence of the nobility and the importance attached to this practice of using the Miswaak.

Ibn Abbas, Ali and Ataasaid:

"Regard the Miswaak as an obligation on you, and do not be neglectful of it. Be constant in using it, for verily, in it lies the Pleasure of Allah, The Merciful, and in it is greater reward for Salaat . . ."

Hassaan Bin Atiyyah (R) said:

"Miswaak is half of Imaan, and Wudhu is half of Imaan."

Abdul Aziz Abu Dawood (R) said:

"Two things of a Muslim are among the best of practices—
(1) Performing Tahajjud Salaat, and
(2) Constancy in the use of the Miswaak."


Hadhrat Shaukani (R) said:

"Miswaak is one of the Laws of Shariah. And, this fact is as clear as daylight. This has been conceded by the peoples of the world."

Hadhrat Sha'rani (R) said:

"A pledge has been taken from us on behalf of Rasulullah that we be steadfast in the use of the Miswaak at the time of making Wudhu. Should any of us be forgetful then he should tie the Miswaak with a string and hang it around his neck or keep it in his turban (so that it will be at hand when making Wudhu). The general public has broken this pledge . . . It (constancy in the use of the Miswaak) is indicative of the strength of one's Imaan and the degree of respect one has for the Laws of Allah and His Rasool . The Messenger of Allah emphasised the use of the Miswaak. And, Rasulullah was not satisfied merely with issuing an order once, but repeatedly exhorted his followers (regarding its use).

"O my Brother. Be constant in the Sunnah of Muhammad if: so that you may attain the great rewards of the Hereafter. Verily, for every Sunnah there is a rank in Jannat and this rank is obtained only by fulfilment of that Sunnah.

To the indolent and neglectful people who say that it is
permissible to leave this practice (Miswaak) it will be said on the Day of Qiyamah:

'Today, it is permissible to deprive you of this Rank in Jannah.'

"Abul Qaasim Ibn Qasi (R) has stated this in his Kitaab. Khulun Na'lain."

Allamah Aini (R) says:

"Abu Amr (R) said that upon the significance of the Miswaak concensus of opinion exists. There is no difference of opinion on this score. According to all learned men of Islam, Salaat performed after using the Miswaak is far nobler than a Salaat without Miswaak. Auzaai (R) said that Miswaak is half of Wudhu."

Shaikh Muhammad (R) said:

"Verily, over a hundred Hadith have been narrated regarding the significance of the Miswaak. Therefore, it is a great astonishment to behold that so many among mankind as well as among the learned neglect such an important practice which has been emphasized to such an extent. This is a great loss."


The majority of the Ulama hold the view that the use of the Miswaak is not Fardh (compulsory). Howeyer, despite it not being decreed Fardh by the Shariah, it is of utmost importance. It is likewise essential that all the Aadaab pertaining to the Miswaak be observed.

Neglect of the Aadaab is a sign of spiritual indolence and weakness of Imaan. In order to achieve the Sawaub of a particular practice in full measure it is necessary that the Aadaab relating to the practice be observed. If neglect is shown towards the Aadanb, the final result will be the neglect of that very practice.

In the Kituab, Ta'leemul Muta-allim the following is stated:

"He who becomes neglectful about the Aadaab is deprived of the Sunnats; and he who becomes neglectful of the Sunnats is deprived of the Faraa-idh (compulsory acts); and he who becomes neglectful of the Faraaidh is deprived of the Hereafter."

Faqih Abu Laith Samarqandi (R) states:

"As long as the Servant of Allah safeguards the Aadaab Satan does not attempt to assault him (i.e. mislead him). However, when he neglects the Aadaab Satan makes advances into the Sunnats (i.e. misleads the Servant from the Sunnats). Thereafter follows Satan's assault on the faraa-idh (compulsory duties). This is followed by Satan's assault on Ikhlaas (sincerity), and finally on Yaqeen (Faith). Hence, it is necessary for a person to protect the Aadaab of all his affairs and actions, e g. the Aadaab of selling and the Aadaab of Wudhu, Salaat, buying, etc.


It is permissible to take for a Miswaak all types of tree twigs provided these are not harmful or poisonous.

It is forbidden to use a Miswaak from a poisonous tree. Miswaaks from the following trees are not permissible:

(1) Pomegranate

(2) Bamboo

(3) Raihaan

(4) Chambelie

Rasulullah FORBADE THE USE OF Raihaan as Miswaak because it causes the sickness, Juz-zaam

The following are the types of Miswaak are recommended:

(1) Peelo tree

(2) Zaitoon or Olive tree

(3) Bitam

(4) Any bitter tree

(5) Walnut tree

Miswaak of the Peelo Tree

"And, the best of Miswaaks is the Peelo, then the Olive."

The best type of Miswaak is that which is taken from the Peelo tree. In the Kitaab, Ta-heelul Manaa-fi' it is mentioned that the miswaak of the Peelo tree is excellent for obtaining the glow or glitter of the teeth.

Our Nabi also praised and recommended the Peelo tree for Miswaak purposes. Besides recommending the Peelo tree, Rasulullah as well as the Sahaabasused Miswaaks of this tree.

Ibn Sa'd (R) narrates that Abu Khabrahsaid:
"Nabi presented me with a Miswaak of the Peelo tree, and he said:
'Use the Miswaak of the Peelo tree'."

Ibn Masood said:
"I always kept a stock of Peelo Miswaaks for Rasulullah "

In the Kitaab, Mawaahib, it is stated that the Companions of Imam Shafi (R) have recorded Concensus of Opinion among them on the fact that the use of the Peelo Miswaak is Mustahab (i.e. an Islamic practice which carries much Sawaab (Reward) if upheld, and in the event of not fulfilling it no punishment will be meted out).

Miswaak of the Olive Tree

Rasullulah has spoken highly of the Miswaak of this tree as well. The following Hadith brings out the significance of the Olive tree Miswaak:

"Use the Miswaak of the Olive tree. It is the Miswaak of a Mubarak (auspicious or gracious) tree. It purifies and makes wholesome the mouth. It removes the yellowishness of the teeth. It is my (i.e. Rasulullah's Miswaak and the Miswaak of the Ambiyaa (Prophets) who came before me."

Miswaak of the Bitam Tree

In another Hadith it is stated that

"In the absence of the Peelo tree the Olive tree should be used, and in the absence of the Olive Miswaak, the Bitam tree Miswaak should be used."

Miswaak of some bitter tree

If none of the three abovementioned types of Miswaak is available, a Miswaak of any bitter tree should be used (KUHASTANI)

" . . Thereafter it is Mustahab to use a Miswaak of a bitter tree because the Miswaak of a bitter tree removes odor of the mouth to a greater extent."

In Alamgiri it is stated that the Miswaak of a bitter tree makes the mouth wholesome, strengthens the teeth and the gums.

Mlswask of the Walnut Tree

Mistwaak of the Walnut tree has been recommended in the Kitaab, Taise.
"Niyyat of using the Miswaak should be made prior to its use."

The following duaa should also be recited at the time of using the Miswaak:

"O Allah, Purify my mouth: Enlighten my heart: Purify my body; And make my body unlawful to the Fire."


(1) The Miswaak should be a straight twig, devoid of roughness.

(2) The Miswaak should be clean.

(3) The Miswaak should not be too hard nor too soft.

(4) The Miswaak should not be used while one is lying down.

(5) The new Miswaak should be approximately 8 inches (a hand-span) in length.

(6) The Miswaak should be the thickness of the forefinger.

(7) Before using the Miswaak, it should be washed.

(8) After use it should be washed as well.

(9) The Miswaak should not be sucked.

(10) The Miswaak should be placed vertically when not in use. It should not be thrown onto the ground.

(11) If the Miswaak is dry it should be moistened with water prior to use. This is Mustahab. It is preferable to moisten it with Rose water.

(12) The Miswaak should not be used in the toilet.

(13) The Miswaak should be used at least thrice (brush three times) for each section of the mouth, e.g. brush the upper layer of teeth thrice, then the lower layer thrice, etc.

(14) The Miswaak should not be used at both ends.

(15) The Miswaak should not be taken from an unknown tree as it may be poisonous.


(1) Eliminates bad odour and improves the sense of taste .

Allamah Ibn Daqiq (R) says: "The wisdom underlying the use of the Miswaak after rising from sleep is that during sleep bad vapours rise from the stomach towards the mouth. This causes bad odour in the mouth as well as a change in the sense of taste. Use of the Miswaak eliminates the bad odor and rectifies the change which occurred in the taste."

(2) Sharpens the Memory

Hadhrat Ali said that "Miswaak sharpens the memory.

(3) Sharpens the Intelligence

"Four things increase the Intelligence—

(i) Shunning of nonsensical talks

(ii) Use of the Miswaak

(iii) Sitting in the company of the pious, and

(iv) Sitting in the company of the Ulama." (TIBBE NABAWI)

(4) Eliminates Slime

Hadhrat Ali said that "Miswaak removes slime."

(5) A Cure for Illness

Hadhrat Aisha said that "Miswaak (its constant use) is a cure for all illness excepting Death." (REPORTED BY DAILAMI IN FIRDAUS)

(6) Miswaak creates fragrance in the mouth.

(7) Miswaak strengthens the gums.

(8) Miswaak prevents tooth decay.

(9) Miswaak prevents further increase of decay which has already set in the teeth.

(10) Miswaak is a cure for headaches.

(11) Miswaak assists in eliminating toothaches.

(12) Miswaak creates lustre (Noor) on the face of the one who continually uses it.

(13) Miswaak causes the teeth to glow.

(14) Miswaak removes the yellowishness of the teeth.

(15) Miswaak strengthens the eye-sight.

(16) Miswaak is beneficial for the health of the entire body.

(17) Miswaak assists in the process of Digestion.

(18) Miswaak is a cure for a certain mouth disease known as Qilaa'- This is stated in Hujjatul Baaleghah.

(19) Miswaak clears the voice. This is stated in TibbeNabawi.

(20) Miswaak facilitates the appetite (Tibbe Nabawi).

(21) Miswaak increases the eloquence of one's speech.
Abu Hurairah (R) said that "Miswaak increases the eloquence of a person." (AL-JAAMI')

(22) Miswaak (i.e. its constant use) will be ~ factor to ease the pangs of Death. The continuous use of the Miswaak makes it easy for the Rooh (Soul) to depart from the body when its appointed time arrives. (SHARHUS SUDOOR)

(23) Miswaak increases the Thawaab (reward) of Salaat (prayer) from seventy times to four hundred times. (HADITH)

(24) Miswaak is a factor which will earn higher ranks in Jannat for the one who uses it

(25) The Angels sing the praises of the one who uses the Miswaak.

(26) Use of the Miswaak displeases Shaitaan.

(27) Use of the Miswaak graces one with the companionship of the Angels.

(28) And, the greatest benefit of using the Miswaak is the attainment of Allah Ta'ala's Pleasure.


(1) The Fingers
In the case of the non-availability of the Miswaak the fingers should be used to cleanse the teeth. This method will serve the purpose of the Miswaak as far as the
Sawaab is concerned, i.e. if a Miswaak is not availa e the Sawaab (Reward) attendant to the Miswaak will be realised by using the fingers as a substitute provided that Niyyat (intention) of Miswaak be made when the fingers are used for this purpose.

"Rubbing the teeth with the forefinger and the thumb (MUHEET)

Hadhrat Amr Bin Auf Muzni (R) states that the fingers could be used as an adequate substitute for the Miswaak in the case of the latter's absence.

"Imam Tahtaawi (R) says:

'The promised Reward (of using the Miswaak) shall be obtained in the event of the non-availability of the Miswaak, and not in the event of its availability'."

In other words, if a Miswaak is available and you are able to use same then the Sawaab of it will not be realised by using a substitute.

(2) Cloth

A coarse piece of cloth may also be used in case of the non-availability of a Miswaak. Those who have no teeth should use the fingers or a cloth as substitutes for the Miswaak, and they will obtain the Sawaab. But Niyyat of the Miswaak should be made.

"And, the significance of the Miswaak shall be obtained even though the finger or a cloth be used in the event of the non-availability of the Miswaak."

(3) Toothbrush

If the toothbrush is made of bristles (pig's hair) then its use is not permissible. If bristles are not used, the use of the toothbrush is permissible. However, the toothbrush will not serve as a substitute in the case of the Miswaak being available. If a Miswaak is available Reward will not be realised by using the toothbrush. The same applies to toothpowder or any other means of cleansing the teeth.

It should be remembered here that during the time of our Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) substitutes, e.g. toothpowder, etc., existed, but our Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) never equated these with the Miswaak. Therefore, the argument of the modernist that the toothbrush today takes the place of the Miswaak is fallacious and a good example of the apologetic attitude adopted by modern Muslims of today...........

May Allah Accept us all and give us the tawfeeq to practice Islam completely.


By Haseeb
Importance Of Giving Salaam (In the Light Of Hadith)

All praise be to Allah the Lord of the Worlds and peace and blessing be upon the best of creation who was sent down as a mercy for the worlds His beloved Prophet Muhammad .

What is Salaam?

Imam Baihaqi narrates in discontinuation from Ibne Abbas,
"That As-Salaam is amongst Allah’s names and also this is the greeting of the dwellers of Paradise.

Imaam Bukhari in his Al-Adabul-Mufrad narrates from Hazrat Anas that the Holy Prophet said,

"As-salaam is indeed a name from the names of Allah, which Allah has placed upon the Earth, therefore spread salaam amongst yourselves in abundance."

Offering Salaam Is An Islamic Duty

It has been narrated from Hazrat Ali that the Rasullah said,
"Commonly in Islam there are six rights of a Muslim upon a Muslim: when he meets him he should give him salaam; when he invites him (to a meal) he should accept it; when he sneezes he should bless him; when he falls ill he should visit him; when he dies he should accompany his funeral and he should prefer for him that which he prefers for himself."

Replying To Salaam Is A Duty Of A Muslim

Nasai narrates from Hazrat Abu Hurairah that the Holy Prophet said,
"There are rights of a Muslim over a Muslim: Responding to salaam, visiting the sick, following the bier (A platform upon which the corpse rests), accepting an invitation (to a meal) and blessing a person who sneezes."

Warning Upon Not Replying To The Salaam

It has been narrated from Abdur Rahmaan ibn Shayba; he says the Holy Prophet said,
"A rider should give salaam to a walking person, a walking person should give salaam to a seated person, a small group should give salaam to a larger group, whoever then responds to salaam, it is for his benefit, and he who does not respond to salaam, is not from amongst us."

" Ibn Sunni has narrated this and also Imam Bukhari in his book Al Adabul Mufrad. On these bases Allama Nawawi in his commentary of Sahih Muslim has said,
"To commence salaam is Sunnah and to reply is Wajib."

Similarly Hafiz ibn Abdul Bar says,
"It is an unanimous agreement of the Muslims that to commence Salaam is Sunnah and to reply is Wajib."

The Virtue of Commencing Salaam

It has been narrated by Abu Umamah that the Holy Prophet said,
"Whoever commences Salaam is very close to Allah and His Messenger."

In Imaam Ahmad’s narration there is,
"The closest to Allah, the most glorious and eminent one, from amongst all the people is the one who commences salaam."

Similarly Tabrani narrates from Abu Darda, who says that we asked the Holy Prophet ,
"O Prophet of Allah, we meet each other, so who from amongst us should give salaam first?" The Holy Prophet replied, "The one who is the most obedient to Allah from amongst you."

Reward For Giving Salaam

It has been narrated by Saalim that the Holy Prophet said,
"He who says Assalaamu Alaikum (Peace be upon you) ten rewards are written down for him, and he who says Assalaamu Alaikum wa rahmatullah (Peace be upon you and Allah’s mercy) for him twenty rewards are written down and he who says Assalaamu Alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh (Peace be upon you and Allah’s mercy and blessing) thirty rewards are written down (for him)."

The Manner of giving Salaam

Abu Yala narrates from Hazrat Abu Hurairah that the Holy Prophet said,
"When anyone of you decides to offer salaam he should say ‘Assalaamu Alaikum’, because Allah, the most Glorious and Eminent one is As-salaam, for this reason do not commence with anything before saying Allah’s name."

Conduct With The Person Who Does Not Say Salaam

It has been narrated from Ibn Umar, that the Holy Prophet said,
"He who speaks without firstly giving salaam, then do not answer him (to what he has to say)."

Spread Salaam

In Mu’atta, Tufail ibn Abi Shayba regarding Ibn Umar radiyallahu anhuma says that one day when I came to Abdullah ibn Umar, he asked me to go to the market (with him). I asked,
"What are you going to do in the market? You do not go to any salesman, or ask about any goods or its price nor do you want to sit in any market gatherings, so stay here with us, we will talk here."

Abdullah ibn Umar then said, "O Abu Battan, (he called him Abu Battan because Tufail ibn Abi had a large stomach) we are going to the market for the cause of giving salaam."

Similarly Ibn Sunni has narrated about Abu Imaam Baa’ali that he said to Muhammad ibn Ziyaad,
"O my nephew the Holy Prophethas commanded us that we spread salaam."

A Rider Should Give Salaam To A Walking Person

It has been narrated by Abu Hurairah that the Holy Prophetsaid,
"A rider should give salaam to a walking person and a walking person should give salaam to a seated person and when a small group of people pass by a larger group they (the smaller group) should give salaam."

Similarly it has been narrated by Jabir that the Holy Prophet said,
"A rider should give salaam to a walking person and a walking person should give salaam to a seated person, but if two walking persons meet each other, then whoever commences salaam first from the two, is superior."

Giving And Replying To Salaam From One Person Is Sufficient

It has been narrated by Hazrat Ali that the Holy Prophet said,
"The salaam of a person, from a passing group of people, will be sufficient on behalf of all the group, likewise if one person from those who are seated replies to the salaam, it will be sufficient on behalf of all the rest."

Giving Salaam To The Children

In Sunan-e-Abu Dawood, it has been narrated by Hazrat Anas that,
"The Holy Prophet came by us at the time when I was a child together with other children and greeted us all with salaam. Then the Holy Prophet took hold of my hand and sent me on an errand (with a message). The Holy Prophetwas waiting in the shade of a wall until my return."

Hazrat Anas then narrated a Hadeeth, that he was walking with the Holy Prophetand when they passed by some children,
" The Holy Prophet greeted them with salaam."

The Correct Words Of Salaam

Abu Tameema narrates from a Sahabi who reported,
"I said ‘Alaikas Salaam (Upon you be peace) O’ Messenger of Allah."
The Holy Prophet said, "Alaikas Salaam are the words of the deceased person’s salaam. When one of you meets his fellow brother, he should say Assalamu Alaikum wa


The Manner Of Greeting The Dead In The Grave Yard

It has been narrated Abu Hurairah that when the Holy Prophet passed by the graves, he would say,
"Salaam be upon you, O’ people of this abode from the believing men and believing women, Muslim men, Muslim women, pious men, pious women, indeed if Allah wishes, we will join you."

This narration has been narrated by Allama Suyuti in his book Jaame-us-Sageer.

Giving Salaam To The People Of A Gathering

It has been narrated by Hazrat Abu Huraira that the Holy Prophet said,
"If any one of you enters any gathering, he should give salaam. He should then remain seated to that extent he has in his mind, and when he decides to return, he should again give salaam."

Reply To A Third Person’s Salaam

A person from (the tribe of) Banu Tameem narrates from his father who narrates from his paternal grandfather that he arrived in the presence of the Holy Prophet and said,
"My father sends salaam upon you."

The Holy Prophet replied,
"Wa Alaika Wa’alaa Abeekas Salaam (Peace be upon you and your father)."

Imaam Abu Dawood, Nasai and Ibn Sunni have narrated this.

Giving Salaam Even After A Short Separation

It has been narrated by Anas that,
" The companions of the Holy Prophet would walk together and when a tree would come in their way they would separate towards the left and right. Then on meeting each other, one of them would greet the other with salaam.

The Virtue Of Giving Salaam In One’s Own Home And Then Setting Out

Likewise it has been narrated by Abu Umamah al-Ba’ali that the Holy Prophet said,
"They are three people under the care of Allah the most glorious and eminent one; one who goes out in the path of Allah as a Muslim soldier is in the care of Allah until Allah takes his soul away. He will be entered into paradise or Allah will return him with reward and booty which he has gained.
The second person who is also in the care of Allah until Allah takes his soul away, is he who walks towards the Masjid. Allah will enter him into Paradise or make him return, giving him reward and booty which he has gained. The third person who is in the care of Allah is he who enters his own home and gives salaam."

Imaam Bukhari in his book Al-Adabul Mufrad has mentioned a narration,

"There are three types of people who are all in all in the care of Allah. If they stay alive they will find a life of sufficiency and if they pass away they will enter Paradise. One is he who enters his own home by giving salaam, is in the care of Allah the most glorious and eminent one. The second person who is in the care of Allah the most glorious and eminent one is he who goes out towards the Masajid. The third person who is in the care of Allah, is he who goes out in the path of Allah."

Our Lord! We have sinned against ourselves, and unless You grant us forgiveness and bestow Your mercy upon us, we shall most certainly be lost! (7:23)

  • Prayer

    O Allah inculcate maturity (of thought and action) in me so that it stops me at the gate of ignorance; help me with guidance to cut off all links with every type of waywardness; let me have enough means to barricade the gaps of poverty, give me strength to avert weakness.

    Surah Fussilat (About the Creation Of Sky)

    Moreover, He Comprehended in His design the sky, and it had been (as) smoke: He said to it and to the earth: "Come ye together willingly or unwillingly." They said: "We do come (together), in willing obedience."
    (11) So He completed them as seven firmaments in two Days, and He assigned to each heaven its duty and command. And We adorned the lower heaven with lights, and (provided it) with guard. Such is the Decree of (Him) the Exalted in Might, Full of knowledge.
    (12) But if they turn away, say thou: "I have warned you of a stunning Punishment (as of thunder and lightning) like that which (overtook) the `Ad and the Thamud!"


  • Our Lord! Let not our hearts deviate from the truth after You have guided us,and bestow upon us mercy from Your grace.Verily You are the Giver of bounties without measure.(3:8)
    Our Lord! Make them enter the Garden Of Eden Which You have promised to them and to the righteous from among their fathers, their wives and their offspring, for verily You are alone the Almighty and the truly Wise .(40:8)